Request for New Training Program
About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 08-28-2013
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 08-04-2022
- Responsible University Office:
- Graduate Medical Education
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Senior Associate Dean for GME
- Policy Contact:
- GME Assistant Director Emilie Leveque
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
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This policy applies to all Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) Graduate Medical Education (GME) resident physicians and residency programs.Policy Statement
The Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) and the Senior Associate Dean for GME and CME must approve all residency and fellowship training programs for sponsorship, prior to the implementation of the program. There must be sufficient institutional oversight to ensure that new training programs are well-defined in educational training and meet institutional requirements.
If available, all new programs must be accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). All new programs must provide a curriculum and evaluations that are ACGME competency-based.
All new training programs, or new-to-be IUSM sponsored programs, must provide written justification for proposing the new program to include the outline listed below, not less than sixty days in advance of the GMEC meeting at which review would be requested, and preferably a year in advance of program initiation. All requests for a new training program must be made in-person before the GMEC. In the special circumstance in which a proposed or new training program has already received preliminary approval by a certification body or other nationally recognized educational or professional committee, the certification application or national documentation and the responses will also need to be submitted with this application for review by the Office of GME and the GMEC.
Reason for Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the IUSM GME programs for all residents and fellows are consistent with the educational needs of residents and fellows and meet the applicable accreditation and institution requirements.Procedures
The application must include the following:
Procedure to Initiate the Process for a New Training Program
All requests for new training programs should be presented in writing to the GMEC for approval, utilizing the “Request for Sponsorship of New Training Program” forms. Additionally, programs seeking ACGME accreditation must contact the GME Office to initiate a new program application in the ACGME WebADS (reference 1). Proposals should be submitted to the GME Office six months to one year prior to the expected start date of the new program.
- The Assistant Director will collect the request forms and accompanying documents and provide them to the Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and CME for review. The Assistant Director will contact the program director regarding notification as to when the Request for Sponsorship of a New Training Program will be on the GMEC Executive Committee agenda. The program director (or designee) is expected to attend the GMEC Executive Committee meeting in order to address questions the committee may have regarding the new program.
- Once the GMEC Executive Committee has reviewed the application, it will determine if the request is ready to be reviewed and approved by the GMEC. Requests may be sent back to the program for further clarification.
- Once the GMEC has reviewed and approved the request, an email from the Senior Associate Dean for GME and CME will be sent to the program director outlining the approval or non-approval of the training program. If the GMEC does not approve the program, the program cannot bring in residents for the next academic year.
- Any program seeking ACGME accreditation will have six months to submit the completed application to the GME Office.
ACGME is the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
A resident is an IUSM resident or fellow, or a non-IUSM resident or fellow electively rotating through IUSM and provides clinical care as part of a GME program.
The Designated Institutional Official (DIO) for GME is responsible for implementation of this policy.Oversight
Policy authority for this document resides with the GMEC. The DIO and the GMEC are responsible for oversight. This policy will be reviewed every three years or more often if deemed necessary.History
- Policy gme-adm-0026 approved by GMEC and published on 22 September 2010.
- Policy reviewed, updated, and approved by GMEC on 28 August 2013.
- Policy updated for formatting 02 March 2018.
- Policy updated for formatting 27 June 2018.
- Policy reviewed, updated, and approved by GMEC on 25 July 2018
- Policy updated by the Policies & Procedures Subcommittee on 12 October 2021.