Relations with Colleagues
About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 10-26-2017
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 03-02-2018
- Responsible University Office:
- Graduate Medical Education
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Senior Associate Dean for GME
- Policy Contact:
- GME Assistant Director Emilie Leveque
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
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This policy applies to all Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) Graduate Medical Education (GME) resident physicians.Policy Statement
IUSM’s educational mission is promoted by professionalism in faculty/resident/ student/staff relationships. Professionalism is fostered by an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Actions of residents that harm this atmosphere undermine professionalism and hinder fulfillment of the School’s educational mission. Trust and respect are diminished when those in positions of authority abuse or appear to abuse their power. Those who abuse their power in such a context violate their duty to the academic community.
Residents exercise power over other residents, students, and staff whether in providing praise or criticism, evaluations, recommendations for their further studies or future employment, or conferring other benefits. Situations among residents, between residents and students, or residents and personnel staff can increase the possibility that residents will abuse power and this abuse may lead to sexual exploitation. Voluntary consent by the other in such a relationship is suspect, given the fundamental asymmetric nature of the relationship.
IUSM will strictly adhere to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Reference 2) when reviewing such relationships for abuse or exploitation.
Should a resident find him/herself in a supervisory relationship with someone he/she has already had a relationship with, he/she should notify his/her supervisor immediately. Necessary steps for reassignment should be taken when appropriate.
Residents disciplined or terminated on grounds of violation of this policy shall have such rights as are provided by the Policy on Non-Reappointment and Termination of Appointment.
Reason for Policy
The purpose of this policy is to state guidelines regarding relationships with colleagues within GME.Procedures
Alleged Violation of Policy
Any concerned person may initiate complaints about alleged violations of this policy. Such complaints should be brought to the attention of the department chair, program director, or Associate Dean of GME or designee. This can be accomplished using the Mistreatment Reporting Process in Mednet (Reference 3).
Disciplinary Measures
Sanctions appropriate to the offense will be applied by the Associate Dean of GME or designee. Possible sanctions may include, but are not limited to, reprimand, consideration in promotion decisions, termination of employment, and immediate dismissal.
ACGME is the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
A resident is an IUSM resident or fellow, or a non-IUSM resident or fellow electively rotating through IUSM and provides clinical care as part of a GME program.
The Designated Institutional Official (DIO) for GME is responsible for implementation of this policy.Oversight
Policy authority for this document resides with the Graduate Medical Education Committee. The DIO and the Graduate Medical Education Committee are responsible for oversight. This policy will be reviewed every three years or more often if deemed necessary.History
- Policy gme-adm-0024 approved by GMEC and published on 08 October 2008.
- Policy reviewed, updated, and approved by GMEC on 09 October 2017.
- Policy updated for formatting 02 March 2018.
- Policy updated for formatting 27 June 2018.